- In future, demand for education in India is likely to increase further with the increase in population in the eligible age group, fall in poverty levels, and increased awareness of benefits of education. Roughly 35% of the India’s population is in the age group (0-15 Years), which is expected to grow at a high rate over the next decade, thereby driving demand for education.
- With thrust on education loans by the banks, there is no dearth of banks providing cheaper education loans for meritorious students, to pursue higher studies.
- With increase in education awareness, higher/technical education is gaining importance. With increase in number of students going for higher/technical education, the private University/colleges would have bigger market.
- Lack of Good colleges in the area would help increase the number of students in the college/university.
- There is no such type of private university providing higher/technical education under one roof in the vicinity despite the fact that the area is thickly populated. The local population has to travel a lot for the Higher/Technical education.
- vi. The Haryana Government has passed a separate Haryana Private University Amendment Act (8) in the year 2013 in the State to regulate all the private Universities, colleges and schools relating to Higher/Technical Education sector. The main functions of the Act will be formulation of policies for encouraging quality education, administration and control of all Universities/Colleges relating to Higher/technical Education Sector or any other college to be opened by the Private players in this sector.
- However higher education in the state needs special attention so that the meritorious students are afforded an opportunity to pursue higher education at their doorstep.
- Trustees are also in hospitality business and are well positioned to exploit the concept of medical tourism by upgrading the hospital facilities and infrastructure